Saturday, March 27, 2010

DP and her viewfinder, sees deeply

Walked through locations with DP Peggy Peralta (looking cool with the viewfinder). She had good ideas and made me think hard. I cut some shots not worth the setup time.
I had written the screenplay as I will edit the film - it's in my head in more or less final form. Have revised it to how it will be shot - in longer chunks (yea Steadicam).

Crew filling up, rehearsals going well

Crew coming together nicely.

Excellent AD (David Smith) recording rehearsals - I will cut together clips from rehearsals and auditions to keep track of running time (so far it's close to what I envisioned).

Good cast, rehearsals going well - enough sessions to get it right, without tiring people out. We can block scenes more accurately now that locations are nailed down.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Locations set

Will post pictures later, after the shoot. Nice to have that nailed down!

Casting complete, yea!

Casting complete and they're excellent!

I used a Flip video recorder to record auditions. It helped with casting decisions. The picture and sound are surprisingly good.